2 St. John's Rd Spanish Town
St. Catherine
Jamaica, W.I.
Children's Ministry
Vision Statement
To be a model auxiliary of the HGMC, delivering excellence through Christ by meeting the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of its constituents.
Mission Statement
To deliver the Word of God to children (students) in a caring, loving and effective manner so their lives may be significantly impacted.
The Children’s Ministry Department of HGMC primary objective is providing Christian Education to children between the ages of 0-18 years. However, the Ministry extends its services to young adults and adults.
Sunday School classes are held at Hampton Green Missionary Church on Sunday Mornings between 8:45 – 9:45 am and students are placed in classes based on the following age categories:
0-3yrs: Cradle Roll
4-6yrs: Toddlers
7-9yrs: Juniors
10-12yrs: Youth
13-18yrs: Teens
19- 35yrs: Young Adults*
Over 35yrs: Adults
*Classes for Young Adults are held on Sunday afternoons.
The Hampton Green Good News Club meets on 2nd and 4th Saturdays @ 5:00 p.m. in the Tawes Meadows area currently.