2 St. John's Rd Spanish Town
St. Catherine
Jamaica, W.I.
Children's Ministry
The Children's Ministry facilitates the development of Sunday School students as we provide an opportunity for students to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour as we teach the Word of God and Godly principles in a manner that they can understand and apply to their life.
Led By:
Sharon Harvey
Evangelism Ministry
We provide opportunities for believers to strengthen their faith and are able to share the gospel of Jesus Christ wherever they go.
Led By
Kirk James
Men's Ministry
We equip all men with the skills to evangelize, establish strong bonds of brotherhood among the men and create avenues for the men to share their knowledge.
Led By:
Franz Morrison
Social Outreach Ministry
We create a strong bond of brotherly love among members and the community by showing love through the ministry of compassion.
Led By
Merle Baldwin